TurboSphere's certificates
We work according to requirements of standards of Quality System Standard of ISO 9001:2015 and VCS INTERGAZSERT:
Conformance to European Union directives certificates:
- 2006/42/EC Machinery
- 2014/35/EU LVD
- 2014/30/EU EMC
- 2014/68/EU Pressure equipment
- 2014/34/ЕU Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
Our innovative products possess all necessary certificates of conformity including the following Technical Regulations of the Customs Union:
– 012/2011 "About safety of work equipment in explosive environments";
– 020/2011 "Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means";
– 032/2013 "About safety of the equipment functioning under overpressure energy".
Nowadays inclusion of TGU in the Register of energy division of Gazprom.
The TurboSphere units and its mechanics are protected by regional and international patents, including the patent of Republic of Belarus No. 10032 "Unit for energy use of pressure difference of a gaseous working body and way of energy use of pressure difference of a gaseous working body". The patent of Republic of Belarus is obtained for useful model No. 11107 "Unit for energy utilization of overpressure energy of a gaseous working body".
Our products and the project have been noted by 30 diplomas at numerous exhibitions, conferences, fairs, forums: winners of EXPO Live from Expo 2020 Dubai, the finalist of "Startup Village-2015", the finalist of "Tekhnostart-2016", a gold medal of the international exhibition "High technologies. Innovations. Investments", 1st place of the International youth forum of science and innovations of kCS and The Eurasian Economic Union, finalist diploma of the VII International Prize "Small Energy - Great Achievements" in the nomination "Innovative Development in the Energy Sector".